Thursday, September 29, 2011


Hello, my name is Belle and I'm a Media101 student.
(Hi, Belle!)
I've been a media student since the beginning of the world. Er, year. Sorry, not sure why I wrote "world". That's a bit strange. I've been a media student since the beginning of the YEAR, i.e. February 2011. Well my media teacher, a.k.a Media Guru, told me that I am intelligent and do excellent work. Ergo, I have decided to start a blog.

And here we are.

As the Dalai Lama said, "Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality."
Lovely man, the Dalai Lama. Clever, needless to say. Anywhooooo, I'm sharing my apparently vast knowledge with the world. Fantabulous.

This blog will follow my many media-tastic endevours, including my radio production*, film making and essay writing (Also possible scripts for stage productions, as acting is my passion. I won't include full scripts on this blog, as I don't want people stealing my stuff. Will include exemplars, though). Please email me if you wish to use any of my posts for study/teaching/whatever purposes! I won't charge you, I just like to know who's using my stuff. My email for this blog is (Please don't worry about privacy issues, I set up this email address purely for this blog. Also I will not spam you if you email me. Spam is annoying and I hate it!)

-Belle Maija Harrison.

P.S. Due to some technical difficulties, my blog is doing weird things and highlighting half of my post. Some media student I am! Can't even figure out blog difficulties. Useless, me!

*Level one Media Studies at Kapiti College, New Zealand, involves radio program production. I go to Kapiti College, by the way. When I created my radio program, I thought it was horrible and I would fail. As it turns out, it was the best in the class, I walked away with an excellence, 5 credits, and an offer to go back to the radio station we were working with to become a part-time programmer. I was shocked, to say the least!

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